Helpful Hints for Writing Your Thesis Statement
If you are about to make a research paper, perhaps one area that is giving you problems is your thesis statement. This is an important component as it tells the reader what you expect to uncover in your study. Feeling overwhelmed by your academic project? Don’t hesitate to seek expert assistance and say, do my thesis, to ensure its successful completion.
If you are having such a problem, read on to learn more helpful hints for your thesis statement.
Purpose of the thesis statement
The study’s research question informs the reader what exactly you plan on testing in your paper. Your thesis statement tells the reader what YOU think may be the answer to those questions. Though your thesis is not the answer itself, it does give direction towards what you are looking into.
For example, if your thesis believes that a particular child-rearing technique can help parents more, the reader will expect you to look into factors that prove this. But if you say you believe such techniques do not help parents, then it is expected that there will be much focus on disproving said methods.
- You don’t have to be right
Many students struggle to make a thesis statement because they are worried about being right or wrong. While it is nice to be correct in the end, you do not have to be right. What is important is that you exhausted all means to discover what is really behind the issue.
- Be specific
When creating a thesis statement, it is important to be specific. It is not enough to say “I agree” or “I disagree” because the reader will want to know exactly what you mean by that. So instead of writing “I believe that playing video games hurts children,” you should say, “I believe that playing video games negatively affects their attitude towards violence.”
- Do your research
To clearly state your position, you need to know what you are talking about. This means you will need to research well before you even come up with the research questions and your thesis statement. If not, it will be difficult to be specific about it because you still have no idea about what is happening.
Some examples to look at
In case you are still confused, look at these thesis examples so you can have an idea of how to do yours.
- Public elementary schools should invest more in technology so that their students are more prepared for high school life.
- High schools should reduce their daily assignments so students can be more well-rested, allowing for better learning.
- Camaraderie within an organization can improve if employees stay together in a communal work area rather than having their own offices within.
- Depression at work can be greatly reduced if offices had more lighting.
- A child’s self-esteem can be improved if parents allow their child to use a variety of materials that show different body sizes and looks.
- To reduce the cases of childhood obesity, schools should raise the prices of all sugary food and drinks in their cafeteria.
Though your thesis statement is NOT the final answer to your research paper, it does guide how you will tackle your research. Therefore, take a look at the hints above to help you make your thesis statement.